Girls Who Code Club President (2024-2025)
Leading club meetings to motivate girls in grades 9-12 to pursue careers in tech. Organizing the curriculum for the coding lessons held at each meeting. Hosting Girls Who Code coding bootcamps at a local library to teach elementary/middle school girls in our community how to code using Scratch, HTML/CSS, and Python.
National Cyber Scholarship Finalist (2024)
For demonstrating a strong skillset in Cybersecurity concepts, including Linux and cryptography, through CyberStart America during 2023-2024.
Frye Elementary Girls Who Code Club Founder & Volunteer (2023-2025)
Collaborated with the principal of a local Title 1 elementary school to start the school's first Girls Who Code club. Since 2023, I have organized and led the coding lessons at each meeting for girls that come from underrepresented ethnic groups of STEM. Through these coding lessons, I have motivated club members to continue pursuing their curiosity in different fields of STEM.
National Center for Women in Technology's Aspirations in Computing: Regional Affiliate Award Winner (2023)
For exemplifying my interest in CS, establishing its importance in my future endeavors, and demonstrating creativity in problem-solving using CS.
Coding Bootcamps Volunteer (2022-Present)
Volunteering to teach elementary/middle school girls how to code using Scratch, HTML/CSS, and Python.